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Mother's Day CAL - Day 4

Writer's picture: Karen EdwardsKaren Edwards

Updated: Apr 5, 2022

I apologize for the delay in getting part 4 posted! This month turned out to be a bit of a crazy month for our family. All kinds of random things have happened.

I am usually a pretty private person and tend to not share a lot about my life, but I thought maybe I would do something a little different today, and perhaps it might encourage someone out there.

Before I share the craziness and the encouragement, if you are wanting to skip ahead to the wash mitt pattern for part 4 of the CAL and bypass all the mushy stuff, you can click -> here <--

So here is a little snapshot of April for our house, and by the way, I know I am not the greatest writer and struggle with a lot of grammar, so if you can't skip over my all my "oopsies", you are welcome to write me and volunteer your editing services haha.

I will gladly welcome your help! If not, just pretend you don't see all my errors lol!

This isn't everything that has happened in April. I don't want to bore you too much lol, this is just enough to give you an idea of the nuttiness that has come our way this month lol.

A tornado passed through our city minutes from us, destroying nearby neighborhoods and parks, so that was interesting...

...our family van was involved in a "hit-and-run" (our car was the one-hit, insert *eye-roll*) - while the girls and I were asleep, and my husband was on night shift (I'll spare you the crazy details lol) our van was hit on an empty 3 lane road at 1:00AM is beyond me! If I had my guesses, the guy was texting, but God only knows lol...

... the insurance battle has been going on since April 8th to get our van repaired, as it has roughly $7,000 in damage and still not resolved (insert another *eye-roll*) all because of the "unique circumstances of the event" (can I *eye-roll* again lol)...

... our girls had a respiratory allergic reaction for the last week or two to a blue-green algae bloom outbreak at a lake near us after the storms came through...

... my husband hasn't had a day off this month because of a shortage of workers at his job. He's worked double shifts (pretty much the entire month), including the night shift, which means I'm basically in single mom mode until they get some new hires *praying hopefully soon for both our sanity's lol*...

... then just when I thought I was going to escape this month unscathed, I somehow managed to pull/strain muscles in my neck and right shoulder last week. ( I had been managing pretty well until then lol)

I do not think it was one single event that caused it, but it was something that had slowly been creeping up on me with some new workouts I was doing (trying to get my college body back lol), a project in which I was enclosing our porch, another project where we were working on our paddleboat, and then some extra projects I was hired to do that used a lot of neck and arm strength (that I seem to be lacking in my "older aged self") lol.

I think all my muscles from swim team in high school packed their bags and moved out when I became a mom haha!

Needless to say, it was a bit of a slow build-up that hit me all at once! I went to lay down and felt a bit huge sharp pain in my neck and shoulder. When I tried to sit up all of a sudden, I could not turn my head in either direction or raise my right arm and do much with it lol.

I think it is safe to say I probably "overdid it" this month! Now I need the crazy face emoji lol.

This slowed me down significantly, and I hate being slowed down lol. I am addicted to productivity haha. It affected my sleep and ability to function during the day.

It was definitely NOT convenient! I was in the middle of hosting the Mother's Day CAL, had three new pattern designs I was working on, had some commission projects I was in the middle of, and I was in the middle of some new marketing classes I was taking.

Where are the laughing emojis when you need them? I feel like a comedy could be written about us at this point lol. All I can do is laugh and thank Jesus that we are still alive, and count all the blessings we have!

Surprisingly, (although was tempted) I am not stressed or frustrated, it's just comical that this all has happened in such a short span of time. I try to stay positive as much as possible, which is why I do not usually share too much, because I enjoy encouraging people and try to be cheerful and joyful as much as I can lol!

And honestly, at the end of the day, I see it all as just a"delay." I can deal with a delay, which is much better than "desist." We are all able to keep going in life, and nothing has had to come to a screeching halt altogether and cease to exist.

Fortunately, we still have a roof over our head, a way for my hubby to still get to work, food on the table and clothes on our backs. Most of all, we still have one another and the love of God in our hearts that gives us so much hope!

I love the internet world and getting to touch lives all over the world with my creations, but the hardest part is not getting to see each of you face to face! I LOVE people! I LOVE seeing people laugh, and I LOVE to encourage people.

I truly wish I could give each of you hugs in real life!

It's quite the challenge to find ways to connect personally with each of you through the internet, but I always hope somehow that I can through words and fun projects!

If you are going through similar challenges (and/or spiritual warfare as I tend to see it), stay hopeful, stay joyful, find ways to see the good in everything. Stress and worry never make anything any better. In fact, it only robs you more of your mental, emotional, and physical health.

I have found that just relaxing and moving through things with a positive mindset and attitude makes life a little easier. It is easier to sleep, it is easier to wake up, and it is easier to make it through the day. I used to be a stressed, worried, worn-out person, and that only compounded things and made life much more difficult.

It helps in these types of times to find ways to engage in self-care and self-love. In the midst of many troubles, find time to say out loud things that you are grateful for. Even if you can only muster up 30 to 60 seconds of gratitude, it will help you, I promise! Then if you can do 3 things to show yourself some love.

Take a hot bath, go for a walk and enjoy nature for a few minutes, sing some upbeat songs, dress up for no reason other than just to make yourself feel good and loved.

Also, as a believer, I also pray, meditate, and read the Bible for encouragement. I really do believe there is both a Heaven and a Hell, and a God and a Satan, which means there is both good and evil in the world, so life can't always be perfect, and that helps my sanity to know this oddly enough lol.

Anywho ...

Believe me, I know, being a stay at home mom, who also homeschools, and runs a small business (or at least trying to lol), it can be difficult for me to find time for myself.

From the time I wake up to the time I go to bed, something or someone always needs me and wants me haha. It used to wear me out, and there was never enough time for me. I have learned that it's important to prioritize "ME." If I don't "save" myself first, I can't "save" anyone else lol.

If I close some doors and lock them for about 30 minutes, and just breathe, take a shower, actually blow dry my hair (at minimum lol) and put some comfy clothes on, I feel so much better and able to help everyone else! It boosts my mood and my confidence!

If I can take care of "me" and feel confident about that, then I am much more confident about helping everyone else. I feel a little bit more empowered!

So if you find yourself in challenging times and life is overwhelming, and you are feeling like the low man on the totem pole, I encourage you to push everything else in life to the back of the line (it will be there now and later, so just make it wait) and do a few things that make you feel good about yourself!

If we love ourselves first, everyone else will notice it too! If they already can see that you are stressed, tired, and lacking in self-love, then why not change the script and let them see the opposite! We have the power to change our narrative!

It will never matter if no one else loves you or not, if you do not love yourself! Most people think if others do not love them that they can't love themselves. If we can learn to love ourselves first, it will not matter if others do or not, however, I have found that when you do learn how to love yourself, you will begin attracting people who love and value you!

People are attracted to inward beauty, and it will shine brightly with a little self-care and self-love! One day I will tell you more about how I used to be a shy, insecure, anxiety-ridden person lol. Obviously, a lot has changed (with some tweaks in my mind and learning about self-care, and self-love), but I don't think you want to read a book today, so I will share more about this another time haha!

So anywho (as my 6th-grade geometry teacher used to say), I know I normally get pretty much straight to the point with sharing my patterns, but today I just felt like maybe someone out there needed some encouragement before we started on the pattern for today.

Maybe it is because it is so close to Mother's Day that I was feeling like some mamas might need a little encouragement!

All of us Momma's can be a little stretched thin and struggle with mental, emotional, and physical health when we are giving so much of ourselves away, and can use a little extra nudge in the encouragement department.

If any of the above resonated with you and there was any little smidgen of "something-you-needed-to-hear", let me know in the comment section of this post or the corresponding post in the VIP Facebook Group. Also, feel free to private message me to let me know.

I know not all of you believe in prayer, but I do so, if it's something you need right now, feel free to PM me and let me know how you would like me to be praying for you.

So without further ado, let's FINALLY get to the next part of the Mother's Day CAL lol! Today we are going to be working on the Wash Mitt! Who knows, maybe at the end of this CAL, after some reflection, you will give this spa set to yourself! haha!


As a reminder, here is a complete list of the materials and all the stitches used for the entire spa set pattern that you will receive at the end of this CAL!

“Ocean Spray Spa Set Pattern Pack”

Crochet Pattern


  • 100 % cotton- color(s) of choice

  1. I used “Lily Sugar `n Cream”

  2. Yellow

  3. Beach Glass (Aqua)

  4. White

  5. I used approximately 8 oz of 100% cotton or approximately 400 yards to make a set that includes (2 5x5 washcloths, 3 face scrubbers, back scrubber, wash mitt, and soap holder)

  • Hook - G or 4mm

  • Needle

  • Scissors

  • Basket *optional

  • Tissue Paper *optional

  • Extra fillers of choice (soap, chocolates, essential oils, etc) *optional

  • Shrink Wrap Gift Bags *optional


  • MR - Magic Ring

  • Ch - chain

  • Sc - single crochet

  • Sl st - slip stitch

  • Dc - double crochet

  • Tr - treble/triple crochet

  • FPDC - front post double crochet

  • BPDC - back post double crochet

  • Sp - space

  • #st - complete # number of sts in same space

  • St # - complete stitch in next # number of spaces

  • ( ) - do all in the same stitch

  • CS - Camel Stitch

  • CSFS - Camel stitch in the front side 3rd loop of the hdc st

  • BO - bobbles

Sea Mist Wash Mitt:

  • Begin: With white, MR, ch 1.

  • Round 1: Hdc 10 in MR, pull tight to close, sl st to join, ch 1.

  • Round 2: 2Hdc in each st around, sl st to join, ch 1. (20st)

  • Round 3: Hdc 20, sl st to join, ch 1. (20st)

  • Round 4: *Hdc, 2hdc*, repeat *to* around, sl st to join, ch 1. (30st)

  • Round 5: Hdc 30, sl st to join, ch 1. (30st)

  • Round 6: *Hdc 2, 2hdc*, repeat *to* around, sl st to join, ch 1. (40st)

  • Round 7 - 15: Hdc 40, sl st to join, ch 1. (40st)

  • Round 16: Hdc 40, DO NOT sl st to join, ch 1. (40st)

  • Round 17 - 22: Turn, hdc 40, ch 1. (40st)

Note: switching to rows

  • Row 23: Turn, hdc 40, sl st to join, ch 1. (40st) Thumbhole is made

Note: switching back to rounds

  • Round 24: Hdc 40, change colors if desired before finishing the last st, sl st to join, ch 1. (40st)

  • Round 25: Hdc 40, sl st to join, fasten off. (40st)

Thumb -

  • Begin: MR, ch 1

  • Round 1: Hdc 10 in MR, pull tight to close, sl st to join, ch 1. (10st)

  • Round 2: 2hdc in each st around, sl st to join, ch 1. (20st)

  • Round 3 - 7: Hdc 20, sl st to join, ch 1. (20st)

Note: If you want the thumb longer repeat row 7 as many times as desired before doing rounds 8 and 9

  • Round 8 - 9: Sc 5, dc 10, sc 5, sl st to join, ch 1. (20st)

Note: fasten off after the last st of round 9 and use a long tail to sew thumb to opening that was made in rows 17 - 23, make sure the dc stitches from round 8 and 9 are attached towards the bottom side of the gloves. See photo for assistance.

Loop for hanging -

  • Begin: Ch 23

  • Row 1: Hdc in 2nd ch from hook, hdc 21, fasten off. Use a needle and long tail to sew one end to the inside bottom edge and the other end to the outside bottom edge of the glove at desired location. I put mine below the thumb section, but you can choose where you would like it and attach it any way desired.

And that's it for today! I hope you enjoyed making the mitt! This is one of my favorite items in the set! My hubby says he would use this if I would make it in gray or black lol. He does not like using white washcloths or towels lol... He is a funny fella!

I also hope that some of you felt a little encouragement in today's post! I know it was a little bit out of my ordinary. I am trying to do a little better connecting with people through blogging, and to be honest, finding my voice has been a little challenging, but at least I am trying haha!

I promise I won't make it a habit to be long-winded lol. Today I just felt like a few people could benefit from knowing they are not alone in life and that we all experience difficulties, even those of us who don't often show it!

I am glad you joined me today, and I pray you have a wonderful week! I look forward to seeing you next Saturday (hopefully!) with the Back Scrubber Pattern and some steps to take to assemble your completed Spa Set for Mother's Day!

If you need to catch up on the other parts of the Spa Set you can find patterns for the washcloths, scrubbies, and bath rug here.

As always, I appreciate you stopping by and am thankful that you have joined in this CAL! Have a wonderful week, and I will see you again on Saturday!

Lots of Blessings and Love to each of you!

Karen E.

Orchid and Bee's

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